Koordinationsprojekt und gemeinsame Publikationen
Bartels, J.; Xu, R.; Kang, C.; Herrmann, R.; Marx, S.: Experimental Investigation on the Transfer Behaviour and Environmental Influences of Low-Noise Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric Acceleration Sensors. Metrology (2024), 4, 46–65.
Kang, C.; Voigt, C.; Eisermann, C.; Kerkeni, N.; Hegger, J.; Hermann, W.; Jackmuth, A.; Marzahn, G.; Marx, S.: Die Nibelungenbrücke als Pilotprojekt der digital unterstützten Bauwerkserhaltung. Bautechnik (2024) 101, 2, p. 76-86, 11 p. DOI: 10.1002/bate.202300089
Kang, C.; Wedel, F.; Walker, M.; Marx, S: Advancements in Digital Twin Development for Bridges in Germany, fib-symposium 2024 ReConStruct, 11-13 November 2024, Christchurch, New Zealand, S 10. (accepted)
Kang, C.; Walker, M.; Marx, S.: Advances of Digital Twins in Bridge Structures Maintenance. SMAR 2024 – 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, 4-6. September 2024, Salerno, Italy, S 8.
Kang, C.; Bartels, J.; Voigt, C.; Marx, S.: Extending Structure Life via Intelligent Digitization: The Nibelungen Bridge as a Pilot Project. EWSHM 2024: 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10 June 2024 in Potsdam, Germany, 10 S.
Gemeinsame Publikationen
Becks, H., Lippold, L., Winkler, P., Moeller, M., Rohrer, M., Leusmann, T., Anton, D., Sprenger, B., Kähler, P., Rudenko, I., Arcones, D. A., Koutsourelakis, P.-S., Unger, J. F., Weiser, M., Petryna, Y., Schnellenbach-Held, M., Lowke, D., Wessels, H., Lenzen, A.,…Hegger, J. (2024). Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+/Novel Concepts for the Condition Monitoring and Analysis of Bridge Structures – Insights into the SPP100+ Research Project. Bauingenieur, 99(10), 327-338.
Bartels, J.; Xu, R.; Kang, C.; Herrmann, R.; Marx, S.: Experimental Investigation on the Transfer Behaviour and Environmental Influences of Low-Noise Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric Acceleration Sensors. Metrology (2024), 4, 46–65.
Cluster A
Teilprojekt A01
Vassilev, H., Laska, M., & Blankenbach, J. (2024). Uncertainty-aware point cloud segmentation for infrastructure projects using Bayesian deep learning. Automation in Construction, 164, 105419.Link:
Kellner, M., Vassilev, H., Busch, A., Blaskow, R., Ferrandon Cervantes, M., Poku-Agyemang, K. N., Schmitt, A., Weisbrich, S., Maas, H.-G., Neitzel, F., Reiterer, A., & Blankenbach, J. (2024). Scan2BIM – A Review on the Automated Creation of Semantic-Aware Geometric as-is Models of Bridges. Avn – Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, 3, 159–181. Link:
Vassilev, H., Blankenbach, J: Semantische Punktwolkensegmentierung mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen für die automatische Erstellung von as-is BIM-Modellen. In: Weinold (Hrsg.) 22 Internationale Geodätische Woche Obergurgl, Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg. S 90-101 2023.Link:
Teilprojekt A02
Blaskow, R., & Maas, H. G., Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges with Personal Laser Scanning: Segment-based Analysis of systematic Point Cloud Deformations. In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 10, 9-16.
Kellner, M., Vassilev, H., Busch, A., Blaskow, R., Ferrandon Cervantes, M., Poku-Agyemang, K. N., Schmitt, A., Weisbrich, S., Maas, H.-G., Neitzel, F., Reiterer, A., & Blankenbach, J. (2024). Scan2BIM – A Review on the Automated Creation of Semantic-Aware Geometric as-is Models of Bridges. Avn – Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, 3, 159–181.
Teilprojekt A03
Kellner, M., Vassilev, H., Busch, A., Blaskow, R., Ferrandon Cervantes, M., Poku-Agyemang, K. N., Schmitt, A., Weisbrich, S., Maas, H.-G., Neitzel, F., Reiterer, A., & Blankenbach, J. (2024). Scan2BIM – A Review on the Automated Creation of Semantic-Aware Geometric as-is Models of Bridges. Avn – Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, 3, 159–181.
Teilprojekt A04
Ferrandon Cervantes, M., Reiterer, A. Key Point Identification in Deep Learning-Based 3D Semantic Segmentation. PFG(2025).
Kellner, M., Vassilev, H., Busch, A., Blaskow, R., Ferrandon Cervantes, M., Poku-Agyemang, K. N., Schmitt, A., Weisbrich, S., Maas, H.-G., Neitzel, F., Reiterer, A., & Blankenbach, J. (2024). Scan2BIM – A Review on the Automated Creation of Semantic-Aware Geometric as-is Models of Bridges. Avn – Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, 3, 159–181.
K. Poku-Agyemang, M. Kellner, A. Schmitt, A. Reiterer: Creating 3D models of bridges using different data sources and machine learning methods.
Mario P. Brito, Terje Aben, Piero Baraldi, Marko Cepin, Enrico ZIo: Proceedings of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023). Signapore: Research Publishing (S) Pte Ltd, 2023, ISBN: 978-981-18-8071-1
Cluster B
Teilprojekt B01/C01
Janiak, T.; Becks, H.; Camps, B. et al.: Evaluation of distributed fibre optic sensors in structural concrete. In: Materials and Structures, Vol. 56 (2023), Iss. 159.
Becks, H.; Lippold, L.; Winkler, P. et al.: Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+. In: Bauingenieur 99 (2024), Heft 10, S. 327-338.
Becks, H.; Brockmann, D.; Hegger, J. et al.: Monitoring the Fatigue‐Induced Strain Evolution of Concrete Bridges using Fiber Optic Sensors. In: ce/papers (EuroStruct 2023), Vol. 6 (2023), Iss. 5, pp. 1119-1126.
Becks, H.; Hegger, J.; Classen, M.: Measuring Strain and Crack Evolution in Reinforced Concrete under Monotonic and Fatigue Tension using Fiber Optic Sensors. In: Motavalli, M. (ed.): Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR2024), Salerno, Italy, 2024.
Teilprojekt B02
Kang, C.; Voigt, C.; Eisermann, C.; Kerkeni, N.; Hegger, J.; Hermann, W.; Jackmuth, A.; Marzahn, G.; Marx, S.: Die Nibelungenbrücke als Pilotprojekt der digital unterstützten Bauwerkserhaltung. Bautechnik (2024) 101, 2, p. 76-86, 11 p. DOI: 10.1002/bate.202300089
Kang, C.*; Eisermann, C.; Ramasetti, E. K.; Degener, S.; Marzahn, G.; Herrmann, R.: Collaborative Structural Health Monitoring of the 70-year-old Nibelungen Bridge: a key part of its intelligent digital maintenance strategy. Structural Health Monitoring, 2024 (under review)
Eisermann, C.; Marx, S.; Kang, C.: Modifying the dead load partial factor of the Nibelungen Bridge based on 3D measurements. SMAR 2024 – 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, 4-6. September 2024, Salerno, Italy, S 8.
Eisermann, C.: Voigt,C.; Marx, S.; Kang, C.: "The Initial Structural Health Monitoring System of the Nibelungen Bridge Worms." EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024. Link:
Teilprojekt B03/C04
Ullmann, S., & Lowke, D. (2024). The effect of external load on the chloride migration resistance and the service life of reinforced concrete structures and repair mortars. Construction and Building Materials, 443.
Becks, H., Lippold, L., Winkler, P., Moeller, M., Rohrer, M., Leusmann, T., Anton, D., Sprenger, B., Kähler, P., Rudenko, I., Arcones, D. A., Koutsourelakis, P.-S., Unger, J. F., Weiser, M., Petryna, Y., Schnellenbach-Held, M., Lowke, D., Wessels, H., Lenzen, A.,…Hegger, J. (2024). Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+/Novel Concepts for the Condition Monitoring and Analysis of Bridge Structures – Insights into the SPP100+ Research Project. Bauingenieur, 99(10), 327-338.
Anton, D., Tröger, J.-A., Wessels, H., Römer, U., Henkes, A., Hartmann, S.: Deterministic and statistical calibration of constitutive models from full-field data with parametric physics-informed neural networks. arXiv preprint. 2024 (under review).
Römer, U., Hartmann, S., Tröger, J., Anton, D., Wessels, H., Flaschel, M., and De Lorenzis, L.: Reduced and All-at-Once Approaches for Model Calibration and Discovery in Computational Solid Mechanics. ASME. Appl. Mech. Rev., 2024 (accepted).
Shivalingappa, G., Anton, D., & Wessels, H.: Parametric Neural Networks as Full-Field Surrogates for Material Model Calibration. Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024), June 10-13, 2024 in Potsdam, Germany. e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing .
V. B. Narouie, H. Wessels, U. Römer: Inferring displacement fields from sparse measurements using the statistical finite element method, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol 200, pp. 110574, 2023
DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2023.110574
Teilprojekt B04
Aeneas Paul, David Sanio, Peter Mark: "Monitoring tendon breaks in concrete structures at different depths using distributed fiber optical sensors." EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024. Link:
Paul, A.; Sanio, D.; Mark, P.: Detection of internal tendon breaks by fiber-optical measurements - influence on the re-anchoring behavior. SMAR 2024 – 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Salerno, Italy, 4-6. September, 2024. (accepted)
Straeter N.; Paul, A.; Ahrens, M; Mark P.: Detecting non-visible tendon breaks – a new approach using coda wave interferometry. fib Symposium 2024 – ReConStruct, Christchurch, New Zealand, 11-13. November, 2024 (accepted)
Teilprojekt B05
Brenner, C.; Thiele, K.; Unglaub, J. (2024). A Hybrid Approach to Damage Identification for Steel Bridges with Discrete Cracks. In Structure and Infrastructure Engineering (submitted)
Brenner, C.; Thiele, K.; Unglaub, J.: A Reduced-Order Digital Twin for Structural Health Monitoring of Steel Bridges. IWSHM 2023 - 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, September 12-14 2023, Stanford, USA.
Brenner, C.; Thiele, K.; Unglaub, J.: Constraints of local stiffness adaption for reduced-order models of large-scale steel bridges. EWSHM 2024- 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, September 10-13 2024, Potsdam, Gemany.Link:
Brenner, C.; Thiele, K.; Unglaub, J.: A data-driven approach for linking models of large-scale bridges and monitoring data. SMAR 2024- 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, September 4-6 2024, Salerno, Italy.
Weiser, R.; Unglaub, J.; Thiele, K.: Vehicle classification using BiLSTM for predictive maintenance and Digital Twins. SMAR 2024- 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, September 4-6 2024, Salerno, Italy.
Cluster C
Teilprojekt C02/E02
Becks, H., Lippold, L., Winkler, P., Moeller, M., Rohrer, M., Leusmann, T., Anton, D., Sprenger, B., Kähler, P., Rudenko, I., Arcones, D. A., Koutsourelakis, P.-S., Unger, J. F., Weiser, M., Petryna, Y., Schnellenbach-Held, M., Lowke, D., Wessels, H., Lenzen, A.,…Hegger, J. (2024). Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+/Novel Concepts for the Condition Monitoring and Analysis of Bridge Structures – Insights into the SPP100+ Research Project. Bauingenieur, BD. 99 (2024) Nr. 10. DOI: doi.org10.37544/0005-6650-2024-10-63
Rohrer et. al., Experimental Studies on Multi-Scale Data-Driven Methods within the Framework of Strucural Health Monitoring. Civil Engineering Design Wiley. Under Review
Winkler, P., Lippold L., Zabel V., Könke, C. (2024). Verknüpfung globaler und lokaler Verfahren zur Schädigungsidentifikation am Beispiel einer schrittweisen geschädigten Stahlbetonstruktur. Baustatik – Baupraxis 15, 2024, Technische Universität Hamburg.
Lippold L., Rödiger N., Most T., Könke C. (2024). Identifikation inhomogener Materialeigenschaften von Flächentragwerken mit Physics Informed Neural Networks. Baustatik – Baupraxis 15, 2024, Technische Universität Hamburg.
Winkler, P., Lippold L., Zabel V., Könke, C. (2024). A multi-scale approach for damage identification and condition assessment of built infrastructure. EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024.
Winkler, P., Lippold L., Zabel V., Könke, C. (2024). Damage Detection combining Modal Analysis and Acoustic Emission in Concrete Structures. SMAR 2024- 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, September 4-6 2024, Salerno, Italy. Special Issue of Procedia Structural Integrity, SMAR 2024 Proceedings. (peer reviewed)
Teilprojekt C03/E03
Rohrer, M., Moeller, M., & Lenzen, A. (2024). A Testing Field for Studies of Environmental and Operational Effects in Structural Damage Localization of Mechanical Structures. Structural Control and Health Monitoring Wiley, 2024(1), 3970794. DOI:
Moeller, Max and Lenzen, Armin, Autonomous Energy-Based Model Order Selection in Parameter State Space Identification Via Cross Gramian and Symmetrizer. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Elsevier. (Preprint) DOI:
Becks et. al. (2024). Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+. Bauingenieur, BD. 99 (2024) Nr. 10. DOI: doi.org10.37544/0005-6650-2024-10-63
Rohrer et. al., Experimental Studies on Multi-Scale Data-Driven Methods within the Framework of Strucural Health Monitoring. Civil Engineering Design Wiley. Under Review
A. Lenzen, M. Moeller and M. Rohrer, „Monitoring an der Floßgrabenbrücke in Zeitz-Experimente zur Systemidentifikation,“ in Berichte der Fachtagung "Baustatik - Baupraxis 15", 04. und 05. März 2024, Hamburg, 2024. (peer reviewed) ISBN: 978-3-00-077808-7. S. 491-498
Maximilian Rohrer, Max Moeller, Armin Lenzen: "Experimental vibration-based output-only damage localization of mechanical systems." EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024. DOI:
Max Moeller, Maximilian Rohrer, Armin Lenzen: "System Identification based on the Cross Gramian." EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024. DOI:
Rohrer, M., Moeller, M., & Lenzen, A. (2024). System identification and monitoring of bridge structures. Special Issue of Procedia Structural Integrity, SMAR 2024 Proceedings. (peer reviewed)
Armin Lenzen, Max Moeller, Maximilian Rohrer (2024). Schadenserkennung an Baukonstruktionen mit intelligenten Methoden der Systemidentifikation. Informatik Festival 2024, Wiesbaden, Germany, September 24-26, 2024. (peer reviewed)
Teilprojekt C05
Becks, H., Lippold, L., Winkler, P., Moeller, M., Rohrer, M., Leusmann, T., Anton, D., Sprenger, B., Kähler, P., Rudenko, I., Arcones, D. A., Koutsourelakis, P.-S., Unger, J. F., Weiser, M., Petryna, Y., Schnellenbach-Held, M., Lowke, D., Wessels, H., Lenzen, A.,…Hegger, J. (2024). Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+/Novel Concepts for the Condition Monitoring and Analysis of Bridge Structures – Insights into the SPP100+ Research Project. Bauingenieur, 99(10), 327-338.
Schnellenbach-Held, M.; Sprenger, B.; Otto, M.: Model Updating of a Prestressed Concrete Bridge using a Kriging Model for Computational Cost Reduction. Structural Engineering International, Special Issue, 2025 [in submission].
Sprenger, B.; Schnellenbach-Held, M.: Schadensmodellierung mittels nichtlinearer FE-Simulationen zur Bauwerksüberwachung im Rahmen eines Digitalen Zwillings. In: Oesterle, B., Bögle, A. Weber, W., Striefler, L. (Hrsg.) „Baustatik – Baupraxis 15“. Technische Universität Hamburg, 2024, S. 517-524;
Sprenger, B.; Schnellenbach-Held, M.: Sensitivity Analysis of Model Parameters in a Nonlinear Model-Updating Approach for Prestressed Concrete Bridges. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024), June 2024, Potsdam;
Guntermann, L.; Sprenger, B.: Entwicklung eines Optimierungsverfahrens zur Strukturidentifikation von Brückenbauwerken. In: 35. Forum Bauinformatik 2024, 2024.
Teilprojekt C06
Becks, H., Lippold, L., Winkler, P., Moeller, M., Rohrer, M., Leusmann, T., Anton, D., Sprenger, B., Kähler, P., Rudenko, I., Arcones, D. A., Koutsourelakis, P.-S., Unger, J. F., Weiser, M., Petryna, Y., Schnellenbach-Held, M., Lowke, D., Wessels, H., Lenzen, A.,…Hegger, J. (2024). Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+/Novel Concepts for the Condition Monitoring and Analysis of Bridge Structures – Insights into the SPP100+ Research Project. Bauingenieur, 99(10), 327-338.
Kähler, P.; Petryna, Y.: Application of artificial neural networks for indirect load measurements on bridges from vibration measurements. In: EWSHM 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany (2024).
Kähler, P.; Petryna, Y.: Vibration monitoring of structures with indirect load identification and Kalman update. SMAR 2024 – 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, 4-6. September 2024, Salerno, Italy, S 8.
Rudenko, I.; Petryna, Y.: Interaction between BIM and FE models in structural health monitoring. SMAR 2024 – 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, 4-6. September 2024, Salerno, Italy, S 8.
Rudenko, I.: Kompatibilität von BIM- und FE-Modellen für die Tragwerksanalysen. In: Oesterle, B.; Bögle, A.; Weber, W. et al. (Hrsg.): Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik – Baupraxis 15. Institut für Baustatik, Technische Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, 2024, S. 75-82.
Rudenko, I.; Petryna, Y.: An Approach to Automatic Building Information Modeling-Based Generation of Finite Element Models of Different Complexity and Finite Element Dimensionality. Buildings 2025, 15, 171.
Teilprojekt C07
Andrés Arcones, D.; Weiser, M.; Koutsourelakis, P.-S.; Unger, J.F.: Model Bias Identification for Bayesian Calibration of Stochastic Digital Twins of Bridges. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (2024), pp 1-26,
Becks, H., Lippold, L., Winkler, P., Moeller, M., Rohrer, M., Leusmann, T., Anton, D., Sprenger, B., Kähler, P., Rudenko, I., Arcones, D. A., Koutsourelakis, P.-S., Unger, J. F., Weiser, M., Petryna, Y., Schnellenbach-Held, M., Lowke, D., Wessels, H., Lenzen, A.,…Hegger, J. (2024). Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+/Novel Concepts for the Condition Monitoring and Analysis of Bridge Structures – Insights into the SPP100+ Research Project. Bauingenieur, 99(10), 327-338.
Andrés Arcones, D.; Weiser, M.; Koutsourelakis, P.-S.; Unger, J.F.: Bias Identification Approaches for Model Updating of Simulation-Based Digital Twins of Bridges. Research and Review Journal of Non-Destructuve Testing (accepted, 2024)
Andrés Arcones, D.; Weiser, M.; Koutsourelakis, P.-S.; Unger, J.F.: Embedded Model Bias Quantification with Measurement Noise for Bayesian Calibration. ArXiv preprint (2024).
Villani, P.; Unger, J.F.; Weiser, M.: Adaptive Gaussian Process Regression for Bayesian Inverse Problems. In: Proceedings of the Conference Algoritmy 2024, 15-20 March 2024, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, pp. 214-224.
Andrés Arcones, D.; Weiser, M.; Koutsourelakis, P.-S.; Unger, J.F.: Uncertainty Quantification and Model Extension for Digital Twins of Bridges through Model Bias Identification. In: ECCOMAS 2024 – 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 3-7 June 2024, Lisbon, Portugal.
Andrés Arcones, D.; Unger, J.F.: Modell- und Parameterusicherheiten am Beispiel eines digitalen Brückenzwillings. In: Tagusband 11. Jahrestagung des DAfStb mit 63.Forschungskolloquium der BAM. 16.10. – 17-10.2024, Berlin. S. 218-223.
D. Andrés Arcones, M. Weiser, P. S. Koutsourelakis, and J. F. Unger: Evaluation of Model Bias Identification Approaches Based on Bayesian Inference and Applications to Digital Twins, 5th International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, Athens, Greece, 2023. Link:
D. Andrés Arcones, M. Weiser, P. S. Koutsourelakis, and J. F. Unger: A Bayesian Framework for Simulation-based Digital Twins of Bridges, EUROSTRUCT2023, Vienna, Austria, 2023, ce/papers, vol 6, art 5, pp. 734-740. DOI: 10.1002/cepa.2177
Cluster D
Teilprojekt D01
Salomon, J., Behrensdorf, J., Winnewisser, N., Broggi, M., & Beer, M. (2022). Multidimensional Resilience Decision-Making for Complex and Sub-Structured Systems. Resilient Cities and Structures, 1(3), 61-78.
Winnewisser, N. R., Salomon, J., Broggi, M., & Beer, M. (2023). The Concept of Diagonal Approximated Signature: New Surrogate Modeling Approach for Continuous-State Systems in the Context of Resilience Optimization. Disaster Prevention and Resilience, 2(2), N-A. DOI: 10.20517/dpr.2023.03
Winnewisser, N. R., Salomon, J., Broggi, M., & Beer, M. (2023) The Concept of Diagonal Approximated Signature: New Surrogate Modeling Approach for Continuous-State Systems. In ASCE Inspire 2023 (pp. 258-266).
Winnewisser, N. R., Salomon, J., Shi, Y., Broggi, M., & Beer, M. (2024) Generalizing the Diagonal Approximated Signature to Systems With Multiple Component Types. Advances in Reliability, Safety and Security, Part 2, ESREL2024.
Winnewisser, N., Beer, M., Kosheleva, O., & Kreinovich, V. (2024). Somewhat Surprisingly,(Subjective) Fuzzy Technique Can Help to Better Combine Measurement Results and Expert Estimates into a Model with Guaranteed Accuracy: Digital Twins and Beyond. NAFIPS 2024.
Winnewisser, N. R.; Kreinovich, V.; and Kosheleva, O. (2024). "From Quantifying and Propagating Uncertainty to Quantifying and Propagating Both Uncertainty and Reliability: Practice-Motivated Approach to Measurement Planning and Data Processing". Departmental Technical Reports (CS). 1861.
Winnewisser, N., Mett, F., Beer, M., Kosheleva, O., & Kreinovich, V. (2024). Using Known Relation Between Quantities to Make Measurements More Accurate and More Reliable. XXIV IMEKO World Congress 2024.
Winnewisser, N. R., Potthast, T., Mett, F., Perin, A., Broggi, M., & Beer, M. (2024) How to Be Certain: Using Known Relations and Trust Discount to Determine Confidence About the Degree of Uncertainty. EWSHM2024.Link:
Marsili F., Winnewisser N.R., Beer M., & Kessler S. (2025) Enhanced Traffic Infrastructure Reliability - Part 1: Predictive Continuous-State Survival Functions Derived from Merging Damage Class Datasets and Physical Model for Damage Evolution, ESREL2025
Winnewisser N.R., Marsili F., Salomon J., Broggi M., Kessler S., & Beer M. (2025) Enhanced Traffic Infrastructure Reliability - Part 2: Efficient Approximation of the Continuous-State Reliability of Traffic Networks Employing Sub-Structuring and the Diagonally Approximated Signature ESREL2025
Teilprojekt D02
Göbels, A., & Beetz, J. (2024). Relative Location Ontology: An ontological model for representing directional topological relationships between spatial entities in oriented space. LDAC 2024 – 12th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop, Bochum, Germany.Link:
Göbels, A., Schulz, O., & Beetz, J. (2024). Towards a Common Digital Space: Proposing a Schema for Spatially Linking Heterogeneous Resources. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of CIB W78. CIB W78, Morocca, Marrakech. Link:
Heise, I., Göbels, A., Borrmann, A., & Beetz, J. (2024). Enabling Comprehensive Querying of Road and Civil Structure Data using Graph-based Methods. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of CIB W78. 41st International Conference of CIB W78, Marrakech, Morocco. Link:
Schulz, O., & Beetz, J. (2024, Juni). Aligning openCDE APIs with Linked Building Data through Constrained Containers in Common Data Environments. 12th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop. Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop, Bochum, Germany.Link:
Schulz, O., Werbrouck, J., & Beetz, J. (2023). Towards Scene Graph Descriptions for Spatial Representations in the Built Environment. Proceedings of the 30th EG-ICE International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. EG-ICE 2023: International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, London, United Kingdom.
Teilprojekt D03
Bartels, J.; Xu, R.; Kang, C.; Herrmann, R.; Marx, S.: Experimental Investigation on the Transfer Behaviour and Environmental Influences of Low-Noise Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric Acceleration Sensors. Metrology (2024), 4, 46–65.
Herrmann, R., Ramasetti, E., Degener, S., Hille, F., & Baeßler, M. (2024). A living lab for Structural Health Monitoring at the Nibelungen Bridge Worms for Transfer Learning of Structural Dynamics. Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024), June 10-13, 2024 in Potsdam, Germany. e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing.
Herrmann, R.; Hille, F.; Pitters, S.; Ramasetti, E.; Schneider, R.; Wedel, F.; Hindersmann, I. (2024): Föderiertes Datenmanagement von Monitoringdaten aus Structural Health Monitoring Anwendungen und daraus gewonnenen Trainingsdaten bei Spannbetonbrücken. 11. Jahrestagung des DAfStb mit 63.Forschungskolloquium der BAM. 16.10. – 17-10.2024, Berlin.
Ramasetti E.; Herrmann, R.; Degener, S.; Baeßler, M. (2024): Development of generic AI models to predict the movement of vehicles on bridges. SMAR 2024 – 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, 4. - 6. September 2024, Salerno, Italy.
Teilprojekt D04
Peralta, P., Ahmad, M. E., Al-Zuriqat, T., Chillón Geck, C., Al-Nasser, H., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Digital twins in civil engineering. Advanced Engineering Informatics (submitted).
Al-Nasser, H., Ahmad, M. E., Peralta, P., Chillón Geck, C., Al-Zuriqat, T., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Digital twin architectures in civil engineering: A systematic literature review. In: Proceedings of the 15th Fachtagung Baustatik – Baupraxis. Hamburg, Germany, 03/04/2024.
Al-Zuriqat, T., Peralta, P., Chillón Geck, C., Dragos, K., & Smarsly, K., 2023. Implementation and validation of a low-cost IoT-enabled shake table system. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM). Stanford, CA, USA, 09/12/2023.
Hartmann, S., Al-Zuriqat. T., Peralta, P., Valles Gomez, R., Gölzhäuser, P., Al-Hakim, Y., Mackenbach, S., Klemt-Albert, K., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Digital twins for sewer systems maintenance: A systematic literature review. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR). Sydney, Australia, 11/04/2024.
Smarsly, K., Ahmad, M. E., Peralta, P., Al-Zuriqat, T., Al-Nasser, H., Dragos, K., & Chillón Geck, C., 2024. Digital twins, architectures, and elements in civil engineering – A multivocal literature review. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE). Montréal, Canada, 08/25/2024.
Smarsly, K., Peralta, P., Dragos, K., Ahmad, M. E., Al-Zuriqat, T., Chillón Geck, C., & Al-Nasser, H., 2024. A multivocal literature review of digital twins, architectures, and elements in civil engineering. In: Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM). Potsdam, Germany, 06/10/2024.
Vollmert, J., Peralta, P., Tandon, A., Harder, T. L., Al-Nasser, H., & Smarsly, K., 2024. Digital-twin-based monitoring and simulation of robot kinematics for clay printing. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Product and Process Modeling (ECPPM). Dresden, Germany, 09/11/2024.
Vollmert, J., Peralta, P., & Tandon, A., 2024. Monitoring and simulation of robot kinematics for clay printing based on digital twins [Monitoring und Simulation von Roboterkinematik basierend auf digitalen Zwillingen für den Lehmdruck]. In: Proceedings of the 35th Forum Bauinformatik. Hamburg, Germany, 09/18/2024.Link:
Carlos Chillon Geck, Thamer Al-Zuriqat, Moayed Elmoursi, Kosmas Dragos, and Kay Smarsly: "AIoT-enabled decentralized sensor fault diagnosis for structural health monitoring." EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024. Link:
Cluster E
Teilprojekt E01
Rohrer et. al., Experimental Studies on Multi-Scale Data-Driven Methods within the Framework of Strucural Health Monitoring. Civil Engineering Design Wiley. Under Review (Joint Cluster E Paper)
Backhaus, J., de Arriba López, V., Maboudi, M., Bestmann, U., Gerke, M.: “Combining UAV-based photogrammetry and structured light scanning to support the structural health monitoring of concrete structures” EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024. DOI:
Teilprojekt C02/E02
Becks, H., Lippold, L., Winkler, P., Moeller, M., Rohrer, M., Leusmann, T., Anton, D., Sprenger, B., Kähler, P., Rudenko, I., Arcones, D. A., Koutsourelakis, P.-S., Unger, J. F., Weiser, M., Petryna, Y., Schnellenbach-Held, M., Lowke, D., Wessels, H., Lenzen, A.,…Hegger, J. (2024). Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+/Novel Concepts for the Condition Monitoring and Analysis of Bridge Structures – Insights into the SPP100+ Research Project. Bauingenieur, BD. 99 (2024) Nr. 10. DOI: doi.org10.37544/0005-6650-2024-10-63
Rohrer et. al., Experimental Studies on Multi-Scale Data-Driven Methods within the Framework of Strucural Health Monitoring. Civil Engineering Design Wiley. Under Review
Winkler, P., Lippold L., Zabel V., Könke, C. (2024). Verknüpfung globaler und lokaler Verfahren zur Schädigungsidentifikation am Beispiel einer schrittweisen geschädigten Stahlbetonstruktur. Baustatik – Baupraxis 15, 2024, Technische Universität Hamburg.
Lippold L., Rödiger N., Most T., Könke C. (2024). Identifikation inhomogener Materialeigenschaften von Flächentragwerken mit Physics Informed Neural Networks. Baustatik – Baupraxis 15, 2024, Technische Universität Hamburg.
Winkler, P., Lippold L., Zabel V., Könke, C. (2024). A multi-scale approach for damage identification and condition assessment of built infrastructure. EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024.
Winkler, P., Lippold L., Zabel V., Könke, C. (2024). Damage Detection combining Modal Analysis and Acoustic Emission in Concrete Structures. SMAR 2024- 7th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, September 4-6 2024, Salerno, Italy. Special Issue of Procedia Structural Integrity, SMAR 2024 Proceedings. (peer reviewed)
Teilprojekt C03/E03
Rohrer, M., Moeller, M., & Lenzen, A. (2024). A Testing Field for Studies of Environmental and Operational Effects in Structural Damage Localization of Mechanical Structures. Structural Control and Health Monitoring Wiley, 2024(1), 3970794. DOI:
Moeller, Max and Lenzen, Armin, Autonomous Energy-Based Model Order Selection in Parameter State Space Identification Via Cross Gramian and Symmetrizer. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing Elsevier. (Preprint) DOI:
Becks et. al. (2024). Neuartige Konzepte für die Zustandsüberwachung und -analyse von Brückenbauwerken – Einblicke in das Forschungsvorhaben SPP100+. Bauingenieur, BD. 99 (2024) Nr. 10. DOI: doi.org10.37544/0005-6650-2024-10-63
Rohrer et. al., Experimental Studies on Multi-Scale Data-Driven Methods within the Framework of Strucural Health Monitoring. Civil Engineering Design Wiley. Under Review
A. Lenzen, M. Moeller and M. Rohrer, „Monitoring an der Floßgrabenbrücke in Zeitz-Experimente zur Systemidentifikation,“ in Berichte der Fachtagung "Baustatik - Baupraxis 15", 04. und 05. März 2024, Hamburg, 2024. (peer reviewed) ISBN: 978-3-00-077808-7. S. 491-498
Maximilian Rohrer, Max Moeller, Armin Lenzen: "Experimental vibration-based output-only damage localization of mechanical systems." EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024. DOI:
Max Moeller, Maximilian Rohrer, Armin Lenzen: "System Identification based on the Cross Gramian." EWSHM 2024, 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, Germany, June 10-13, 2024. DOI:
Rohrer, M., Moeller, M., & Lenzen, A. (2024). System identification and monitoring of bridge structures. Special Issue of Procedia Structural Integrity, SMAR 2024 Proceedings. (peer reviewed)
Armin Lenzen, Max Moeller, Maximilian Rohrer (2024). Schadenserkennung an Baukonstruktionen mit intelligenten Methoden der Systemidentifikation. Informatik Festival 2024, Wiesbaden, Germany, September 24-26, 2024. (peer reviewed)