Dipl.-Ing. Robert Blaskow

Academic education with degree

2013 | Geodesy (diploma), Technische Universität Dresden

Professional career since graduation

Since 2014 | Research associate at the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, TU Dresden

  • CREEK4D – Recording morphological parameters of small water bodies
  • PROQUATO – Process optimization, quality improvement & analysis tools for multi-textured surface models
  • ADFEX – Adaptive federative 3D exploration of multi robot systems
  • DFG-Project – Volumetric forest structure reconstruction from full-waveform airborne laser scanner data


Dipl.-Ing. Robert Blaskow

Research associate

TU Dresden
Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Helmholtzstraße 10

01062 Dresden