Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martina Schnellenbach-Held

Academic education with degree

1988 | Civil Engineering – Structural Engineering, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Diplom

Acedemic degree

1991 | PhD, Civil Engineering, Ruhr-University of Bochum




since 2004 | University Professor of Structural Concrete, Institute of Structural Concrete (IfM), Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen

2004 | Offered professorship at Universität Duisburg-Essen, Institute of Structural Concrete, accepted

2003 | Offered professorship at TU Berlin, Institute of Structural Concrete, not accepted

1997– 2004 | University Professor of Structural Concrete, Institute of Structural Concrete, TU Darmstadt

1992 – 1997 | Philipp Holzmann AG, Head office Düsseldorf, Project and Group Manager in the Technical Office, Construction Site Management: Building site ARENA, CentrO Oberhausen

1988 – 1992 | Research associate, Institute for Statics and Dynamics, Ruhr-University Bochum


since 2006 | Member of the Working Group ‘Bauinformatik’

since 2004 | Member of the German Concrete and Construction Technology Association e.V.

2002 – 2011 | EG-ICE-Member, European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Chair 2004 – 2006; Vice-Chair 2002 – 2004

since 2001 | Member of the Expert Committee of the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt), Strengthening of Concrete Structures

2001 – 2013 | IVBH (IABSE) Working Commission 6-Member: Information Technology, Vice-Chair: 2005 – 2009, Chair: 2009 – 2013

2001 | Member of the Working Group ‘Structural Lightweight Concrete’, German Association for Precast Concrete Construction e.V.

since 1999 | Member of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb)

1998 – 2001 | DIN 1045-1, Design of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Components

1993 – 1996 | DAfStb: Concrete Structures against water pollutant substances, Part 3: Design and Construction

since 1992 | IVBH (IABSE)-Member, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering


a) Current overview of the publications of Martina Schnellenbach-Held

b)  Patents

2016 | High Performance Aerogel Concrete. Inventor: Milow, Barbara; Ratke, Lorenz; Welsch, Torsten; Fickler, Silvia; Schnellenbach-Held, Martina; Habersaat, Jan-Eric. Application Date: 13.06.2016, PCT/EP2016/063439, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., registered

2018 | Displacement Body made of High Performance Aerogel Concrete. Inventor: Schnellenbach-Held, Martina; Welsch, Torsten; Milow, Barbara. Application Date: 13.08.2018, PCT/EP2018/071952, University Duisburg-Essen, registered

2018 | Wood-Concrete Composite Ceiling. Inventor: Schnellenbach-Held, Martina; Welsch, Torsten; Milow, Barbara. Application Date: 13.08.2018, PCT/EP2018/071951, University Duisburg-Essen, registered

2019 | Photocatalytic active Aerogel Concrete. Inventor: Schnellenbach-Held, Martina; Welsch, Torsten; Milow, Barbara. Application Date: 22.08.2019, DE 10 2019 122 616.3, University Duisburg-Essen, registered

2021 | Mixing Container and Mixing System. Inventor: Sperl, Matthias; Tell, Karsten; Rattenbacher, Bernd; Schnellenbach-Held, Martina; Müller, Julian; Welsch, Torsten; Kanthak, Stefan. Anmeldetag: 19.10.2021, DE 10 2021 128 232.2, registered

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martina Schnellenbach-Held

Project leader

Institute of Structural Concrete (IfM)
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Duisburg-Essen

45141 Essen