Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jakob Beetz
Academic education with degree
2003 | Architecture, Bauhaus University Weimar, Diplom-Ingenieur
Academic degree
2009 | Publication and defense of PhD thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology, supervisor: Prof.Dr.ir Bauke de Vries and Dr.ir. Jos van Leeuwen
Professional career since graduation
Since 2019 | Co-Founder and full partner of BIM Center Aachen GmbH
Since 2017 | Appointment as a full professor “Computational Design” at the Department of Architecture, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
2008 – 2017 | Assistant professor at the Information Systems in the Built Environment. Prof.dr.ir. Bauke de Vries at the Department of Architecture, Building and Planning; Eindhoven University of Technology
1994 – 2002 | Participation in several projects in the architectural office “Architekturbüro Beetz”: all phases in the building process, emphasis on construction planning, preparation of tender documents, participation in the awarding of contracts and construction management
Since 2020 | Member of the German Standardization Body DIN A 005 DINNormenausschuss Bauwesen (NABau) as mirror for CEN and ISO
Since 2019 | Member of the Technical Advisory Board of buildingSMART International. Member of the board of buildingSMART Germany
Since 2014 | Co-chair of the CIB Working Group 78
Since 2014 | Committee Member of the European Association of Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry (EAPPM)
Since 2014 | Co-founder and member of the W3C Linked Building Data Community Group
Since 2012 | Committee member of Linked Data in Architecture and Construction (LDAC) with yearly workshops/conferences
Since 2010 | Co-founder, organizer and award committee member of the “Charles Eastman Top PhD Paper Award” during the annual CIB W78 conference series
2008 – 2017 | Technical Management representative of the buildingSMART chapterBeNeLux, involvement in International group activities.
Since 2006 | Involvement as reviewer of technical standards for the national standardization organization NEN
Since 2005 | Frequent reviewer for journals including Automation in Construction, ADVEI, AIEDAM, CAD, buildings, ITCon

Project leader
Department of Architecture, RWTH Aachen
52072 Aachen
- Telephone: +49 241 80 952 47
- beetz@dc.rwth-aachen.de
- Go to website: https://dc.rwth-aachen.de/de/team/staff/jakob-beetz