Prof. Dr.-Ing Armin Lenzen

Academic education with degree

1977-1978 | Architecture, University of Wuppertal

1978-1986 | Civil Engineering, University of Wuppertal, Graduate Engineer 1986, diploma thesis at Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. F.-H. Schroeder (structural mechanics)

Academic degree

PhD: Mechanical engineering, Ruhr University Bochum, 1994, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Waller

Professional career since graduation

1987 - 1994 | Scientific associate at institute for mechanics, numeric methods and simulation technique, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Waller, Ruhr University Bochum

1994 | Scholarship holder research training group Computational Structural-Dynamics, Ruhr University Bochum

1995 -1996 | Project manager structural, civil and bridge engineering, Zerna, Köpper & Partner engineering company for civil engineering, Bochum

1996-1998 | Senior research associate at collaborative research center 398 project C5, Ruhr University Bochum, professorial chair for engineering informatics, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmann

1999 – 2002 | Head of department dynamics/measurement technology, Wölfel Engineering GmbH + Co. KG, Würzburg

since Oct. 2002 | Professor for mechanics/dynamics, University of Applied Sciences Leipzig, faculty civil engineering


2002 – 2007 | cooperating member at SFB 398, Ruhr University Bochum

Cooperation in VDI guideline committee "usability of buildings" of the vibration engineering department VDI-Society Product- and Process development

Badge of honor VDI 2015

Founding member (speaker) institute for statics, structural dynamics, system identification and simulation (I4S) at the University of Applied Science Leipzig, 2019


  1. Singular Value Decomposition. A. Lenzen, H. Waller, Archive of Applied Mechanics, Springer, Vol.66, 1996
  2. Identification using the Algorithm of Singular Value Decomposition - An Application to Fault Detection and Localization, A. Lenzen, H. Waller, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Academic Press, 1997
  3. Stochastic structural analysis and lifetime oriented optimization. A. Lenzen, D. Hartmann, Special Issue Journal OPTIMIZATION, Numerical Methods for Stochastic Optimization and Real-Time Control of Robots Ed.: K. Marti, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Vol. 47, Num. 3-4, 2000
  4. From Black to White Box Models in Structural Mechanics, A. Lenzen, H. Waller, ICLODC 2004, 2nd International Conference Lifetime - Oriented Design Concepts, Ed.: F. Stangenberg O.T. Bruhns D. Hartmann G. Meschke, ISBN 3-00-013257-0, Bochum 2004
  5. Monitoring and Damage Assessment of Mechanical Systems by Vibration Analysis, A. Lenzen, 9th International Conference On Structural Safety And Reliability, Rome, Italy, ISBN 90-5966-040-4, June 2005
  6. Experiments for Damage Detection by Subspace Identification on a Tied Arch Bridge, A. Lenzen, C. Ebert, Bridge, Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization – Frangopol, Sause & Kusko (eds) 2010 Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN 978-0-415-87786-2, 2010
  7. A New Technique for Damage Localisation Using Estimates in Krein Spaces, A. Lenzen, M. Vollmering, Proceedings of the 6th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, ISBN 978-84-617-3880-9, 2015
  8. A. Lenzen und M. Vollmering, „On experimental damage localization by SP2E: Application of H estimation and oblique projections,“ Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Bd. 104, p. 648–662, 5 2018
  9. A. Lenzen und M. Vollmering, „Mechanical system scaling based on output only identification and mass perturbations by state projections,“ Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, SpecialIssue in Honor of Professor Lothar Gaul, Bd. 144, p. 106863, 10 2020
  10. A. Lenzen, M. Rohrer und M. Vollmering, „Damage localization of mechanical structures considering environmental and operational conditions based on output-only system identification and H-estimation,“ Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Bd. 156, p. 107572, 7 2021

